Saturday, September 6, 2014


Jenny Lake turnout

Cathedral group turnout

Oxbow Bend Turnout
Willow Flats turnout

Lakeshore Trail: "2. Colter Bay (Brochure available) Lakeshore Trail, 2.0 miles RT, 1 hour, 200 ft
total climbing, EASY  Level trail follows Colter Bay shoreline; provides views of Jackson Lake and the Teton Range." - NPS

Signal Mountain Marina, can drive to, no hiking

Bathing Beach Road, by Colter Bay Ranger Station and Visitor Center
snake river overlook is due East of Jenny Lake

Schwabacher Landing: "When we visited in June 2014, the access road to the landing was being repaved and although unfinished the road was suitable for any car. This is a great spot for a picture of the Tetons with reflections in the creek. Also a good spot to see some beaver dams" -trip advisor.  Road was closed in 2013 for the sequestration, but is open now.  Is due East of Teton Glacier Turnout.

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